Links • November 2014
Starting now, I am going to scrub my Pocket reading list and point out interesting stuff:
These guys built a cloud of 4 Raspberry Pis using Docker and SaltStack. Very interesting read, even though, there could have been a better example than Bitcoin mining. Bonus points for using Arch Linux.
Roguelike game. Dungeons and permadeath. Highly addictive.
TIL: Signal bounces on connect. Also love the visualisation.
Calculating SHA-256 with pencil and paper
He also estimates the time and energy required to manually calculate Bitcoin hashes.
Revisiting Android disk encryption
Stand by and watch in awe, as Nikolay Elenkov tears apart Android’s FDE in this very detailed article. The whole blog provides a good insight into the inner workings of Android.
Java ByteBuffer – a crash course
Turned up in a search while I was debugging ByteBuffer bugs. Definitely contains some good points that should have been included in the Javadoc in the first place.