The go-to way of declaring VectorDrawables on Android is a Java-esque Singleton that delays construction to the first access:

private var _Smiley: ImageVector? = null

public val Smiley: ImageVector
    get() {
        if (_Smiley != null) {
            return _Smiley!!
        _Smiley = ImageVector.Builder(
            name = "Smiley",
            defaultWidth = 500.dp,
            defaultHeight = 500.dp,
            viewportWidth = 500f,
            viewportHeight = 500f
        .apply {
            // ... Vector Path Commands

or if you choose the function equivalent it will use Compose’s remember to re-use the constructed VectorDrawable across compositions:

fun rememberSmiley(): ImageVector {
    return remember {
            name = "Smiley",
            defaultWidth = 500.dp,
            defaultHeight = 500.dp,
            viewportWidth = 500f,
            viewportHeight = 500f
        .apply {
            // ... Vector Path Commands

Note that the latter one works in Compose Contexts only.

The pre-made Material Icons provided by Google follow this pattern as well:

public val Icons.Outlined.Edit: ImageVector
    get() {
        if (_edit != null) {
            return _edit!!
        _edit = materialIcon(name = "Outlined.Edit") {
            materialPath {
                // ... Vector Path Commands

There’s a better, more Kotlin-idiomatic way of doing this:

public val Smiley: ImageVector by lazy {
        name = "Smiley",
        defaultWidth = 500.dp,
        defaultHeight = 500.dp,
        viewportWidth = 500f,
        viewportHeight = 500f
    .apply {
        // ... Vector Path Commands

This way it is still an immutable val, the construction delayed to the first access but way simpler and cleaner. And since it doesn’t rely on remember, it can be used outside of a Composable Context.